I imagine I'll have a lot more to say in the coming days, weeks, months, et cetera, as this fascist clusterfuck revs up into full, but the despondency is the objective.
I imagine I'll have a lot more to say in the coming days, weeks, months, et cetera, as this fascist clusterfuck revs up into full and we get shocked-and-awed by each new horror. At the moment I just feel quite sad that this is where we're now all at, collectively, in ways that matter and impact far beyond one US election. The values that I hold close to my heart matter less to others than I would have thought and that's always a painful realisation to come to.
But the despondency is the objective, giving up is the objective, feeling like there's no point in fighting anymore is the objective.
And not giving into those dark feelings is needed now more than ever.